Love is…

“Jesu replied, ‘All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.’”

John 14:23

When I was a kid, I was never much of a reader. I loved math and all things numbers. I used to think I just didn’t have the “imagination” for reading because it was hard for me to comprehend and dive into the story to fully understand what was going on. So, for years, I happily did my Sudokus and only read when I had to (ie. for school or out of my Bible). No leisurely reading for me. 

It wasn’t until I started my masters program that my perspectives started to change. Most of our required “texts” were non-fiction books written by professionals in the field. These were not heavy, $200 textbooks as I was previously accustomed to. These books were written less formally, in conversational tones, using humor at times, to make reading not only enjoyable, but relatable. I found value in reading these books, and it caused me to start to research and follow other authors in the field, always looking for the next good read. 

Currently, I’m reading Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer. 

Let me just say: Moms, you need this book! It is so good, and is very much in line with a lot of my core beliefs. It teaches true discernment and how we can teach our children to identify the “good” in culture while rejecting that which is not of God. 

In chapter four of the book, there is a heavy emphasis on words and how society takes and twists the meaning of words to satisfy our own intentions, and how it is important that we look to the Word (scripture) in order to understand how God uses those words and what they mean to Him. 

The word that stood out the most to me was the word “Love”.

You’ve probably heard it said that “love” is the most overused word in the English language. We use love to describe our affections towards everything from pumpkin spice to football teams, weather patterns and accessories. In the same breath, we also try to use the word love to describe feelings towards another person from complete strangers we see on TV to our best friends and family members. 

With so many things to “love” the value of the word is watered down. 

This reading couldn’t have come at a better time as Bruce (my husband) and I were just talking about the name of our podcast, “Unshackled Love”, and what that means to us, both as individuals and as parents. In order to know what love means to us, we decided to look at the Bible and see what love means to God, and here is what we found:

Love is sacrifice. 

Many of you know the verse John 3:16:

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

God sacrificed His son, Jesus, for us. He allowed him to be crucified and die the most horrific death in all of humanity, despite his perfect obedience, as an atonement for our sins. Jesus died the death we all deserve. But because of his sacrifice, we receive mercy and everlasting life with the Father in heaven, perfect glory, for all who believe in His truth. (Can I get an amen?!)

God’s love is wrapped up in what He did for us, not just a mere feeling. 

Likewise, our love, the love we show others, should be more than just a feeling. Love is sacrifice, and love is expressed through actions. What actions? Obedience to God’s Word. He gives us the Bible not in vain, but to actually practice what it says. To grow in His wisdom and understanding. To know His heart, and to know the expectations for living a Godly life. When we have a true desire to seek Him, obey His word, and do as He says, then we will be filled with His true love, and that love will pour out onto those around us. 

So think about this today: are your actions showing His love? In what ways do you know you aren’t being obedient and you need to turn it around? When was the last time you opened your Bible so that you even knew what God’s Word said about how you should live? Do you say you love God, but there is something in your life you aren’t willing to sacrifice for Him?

Think about it…

Jesus replied,

“All who love me will do what I say.

My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.”

(John 14:23)


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